JEE Result
Vivian Joseph - 98.82 Percentile

JEE Result
Raghav N - 98 Percentile

CET Result
Atharva Shinde 98.5 percentile

This is how we do it
We believe that students learn best when they are curious and create interest in a particular topic. We recognise their unique talents and encourage students to take charge of their learning through activities of their choice and interest.Ā
We encourage students to discover their passion through experiential learning. Learning Physics through sports, Chemistry through arts & crafts and Mathematics through daily transactions develop a deep understanding of the topics and motivates students to think, learn and innovate.Ā
This not only helps them understand the subject better but also reflects in their academic performance. We inspire students to never stop challenging their views and constantly strive to gain more knowledge.Ā Whether a student chooses to be a poet or an artist, an entrepreneur or an engineer, a scientist, doctor or a comedian, we empower every student to create value that adds to the quality of life in our global community by building their fundamental concepts and moral values.
(Be respectful, Strive for excellence, Seek the truth, Achieve Balance, Live with Dignity and Integrity, True-Blue Patriotism)
Popular Courses

CBSE - 8th, 9th and 10th

ICSE - 8th, 9th and 10th

We have a very limited students in every batch. Dedicated and experienced faculties for every subject ensure that the students understand all concepts in the best possible way. The sessions are very interactive with great emphasis on concepts and their applications. Apart from classroom learning, daily practise sessions ensure students can apply the concepts learnt in the class. We have special faculties to help students during practise sessions who ensure that students go back home with full confidence on the topic of that day.Ā
Weekly tests ensure regular evaluations. Students who score low in the weekly test are immediately scheduled for extra class to focus more on their weak areas. We focus on them untill they are comfortable emotionally as well as mentally with that topic. On the other hand stuends who have mastered the topics are challenged even further to dig deeper into the topic.Ā
We have separate batches for students from different boards. We follow the curriculum of respective boards referring to standard texts prescribe by the respective board. Apart from the standard books we provide students with huge data base of questions for practise which ensures concept clarity and excellent preparation for the exam. Our dedicated and streamlined approach has delivered excellent results year on year.Ā
Key features
- Concept and Activity based learning
- Personal attention with very limited students in a batch.
- Chapter-wise weekly test series
- Regular full syllabus tests.
- Exhasutive notes in faculty handwriting
- Rigorous practise for Maths and Physics
- Performance evaluation
- Timely feedback to parents
- Technology aids for robust unbderanding
- Very healthy and positive study environment

Key features
- Concept and Activity based learning
- Personal attention with very limited students in a batch.
- Chapter-wise weekly test series
- Regular full syllabus tests.
- Exhasutive notes in faculty handwriting

- Rigorous practise for Maths and Physics
- Performance evaluation
- Timely feedback to parents
- Technology aids for robust unbderanding
- Very healthy and positive study environment

Our Team

What Our Students & Parents Says
CBSE Results
ICSE Results
What Our Students & Parents Says
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